Creating Triggers

You may be looking to build and perhaps publish a trigger that doesn't exist yet, or you may just be curious to know more about the anatomy of a Actionsflow trigger (file structure, etc).

Core concepts

  • Actionsflow triggers can be created either as an npm package or as a local trigger.
  • Trigger files export a class with a run method for getting the initial results.

A typical trigger class looks like this:

module.exports = class Example {
constructor({ helpers, options }) {
this.options = options;
this.helpers = helpers;
async run() {
const items = [
id: "uniqueId",
title: "hello world title",
return items;

Naming a trigger

An Actionsflow trigger name looks like this: @actionsflow/trigger-*. For example: @actionsflow/trigger-twitter. After installing this trigger you would be able to use it like this:

event: user_timeline

If your trigger name is more than one word using snake case format is recommended, because the jobs use triggers' outputs by on.trigger_name.outputs.param. If your trigger is named trigger-name, then the jobs will use triggers' outputs by on['trigger-name'].outputs.param. Snake case is also Github actions' naming convention (like in pull_request).

Options style

Follow the Javascript naming convention: we recommend you use camel case as the option field's name style. For example:

deduplicationKey: "id";

Note: options.config is the General Config for Actionsflow Trigger, so you should not use config as your option name.

Start building a trigger

This section of the docs includes the following guides: