Trigger API

Triggers determines whether a workflow should start running.

Actionsflow call every trigger in a timed loop, or when a webhook event of the trigger comes, Actionsflow will call the trigger's webhook handler. The trigger just need to return it's data, Actionsflow will handle the deduplication, cache, and run workflow.

A trigger should export a class that implements trigger interface, a simple example of trigger looks like this:

module.exports = class Example {
constructor({ helpers, options }) {
this.options = options;
this.helpers = helpers;
async run() {
const items = [
id: "uniqueId",
title: "hello world title",
id: "uniqueId2",
title: "hello world title2",
return items;

See the trigger class declaration:

interface ITriggerClassType {
config?: ITriggerGeneralConfigOptions;
getItemKey?: (item: AnyObject) => string;
run?(): Promise<ITriggerResult> | ITriggerResult;
webhooks?: IWebhook[];

You can look the whole declarations at here


Actionsflow construct your trigger class with the following params:

interface ITriggerContructorParams {
options: ITriggerOptions;
helpers: IHelpers;
workflow: IWorkflow;
  • options is the trigger options by user defining, the default value is {}, it can be the following values:

    interface ITriggerOptions extends AnyObject {
    config?: ITriggerGeneralConfigOptions;

    config is the general options for Actionsflow trigger, config are handled by Actionsflow, you can change the default config by change the instance config value, learn more about changing the defaultconfig see here

    config interface:

    interface ITriggerGeneralConfigOptions {
    every?: number | string;
    timeZone?: string;
    shouldDeduplicate?: boolean;
    manualRunEvent?: ManualRunTriggerEventType | ManualRunTriggerEventType[];
    skipSchedule?: boolean;
    debug?: boolean;
    skipFirst?: boolean;
    force?: boolean;
    logLevel?: LogLevelDesc;
    active?: boolean;
    buildOutputsOnError?: boolean;
    skipOnError?: boolean;
    filter?: AnyObject;
    filterOutputs?: AnyObject;
    format?: string;
    skip?: number;
    limit?: number;
    sort?: AnyObject;
  • helpers is a collection of the commonly used utils for trigger, including cache, log, axios, look at the interface declaration:

    interface IHelpers {
    createContentDigest: (input: unknown) => string;
    cache: {
    get: (key: string) => Promise<unknown>;
    set: (key: string, value: unknown) => Promise<unknown>;
    del: (key: string) => Promise<void>;
    reset: () => Promise<void>;
    log: Logger;
    axios: AxiosStatic;
    formatBinary: (
    content: Buffer,
    filePath?: string,
    mimeType?: string
    ) => Promise<IBinaryData>;

    Learn more about helpers, see Trigger Helpers API

  • workflow, is the current workflow who use the trigger, including path: the workflow absolute path, relativePath: the workflow relative path, data, the workflow data in JSON object.

    interface IWorkflow {
    path: string;
    relativePath: string;
    data: IWorkflowData;


Actionsflow call the trigger's instance run method in a timed loop, the run method should return an object which looks like this:

id: "uniqueId",
title: "title",

By default, Actionsflow will deduplicate your results by using the deduplication key, if the item key id not exist, then Actionsflow will hash the item data to deduplication. If you don't want to deduplicate your data, then your should set the trigger instance property config as {shouldDeduplicate:true}. You can also set getItemKey method to return the item's deduplication key.

Note: if your trigger only handle webhook event, you can ignore this method.


optional, ITriggerGeneralConfigOptions, you can change the default config by provide config.

interface ITriggerGeneralConfigOptions {
every?: number | string;
timeZone?: string;
shouldDeduplicate?: boolean;
manualRunEvent?: ManualRunTriggerEventType | ManualRunTriggerEventType[];
skipSchedule?: boolean;
debug?: boolean;
skipFirst?: boolean;
force?: boolean;
logLevel?: LogLevelDesc;
active?: boolean;
buildOutputsOnError?: boolean;
skipOnError?: boolean;
filter?: AnyObject;
filterOutputs?: AnyObject;
format?: string;
skip?: number;
limit?: number;
sort?: AnyObject;

Learn more about config field meaning, see general options for Actionsflow trigger

The default value is:

"every": 0,
"shouldDeduplicate": true,
"skipFirst": false,
"force": false,
"logLevel": "info",
"active": true,
"skipOnError": false,
"buildOutputsOnError": false,
"timeZone": "UTC",
"shouldRunManually": true,
"manualRunEvent": []

You can set one or more config option to change the default value. For example:

module.exports = class Example {
constructor({ helpers, options }) {
this.options = options;
this.helpers = helpers;
config = {
limit: 15,
async run() {
const items = [
id: "uniqueId",
title: "hello world title",
id: "uniqueId2",
title: "hello world title2",
return items;


Optional, a hook function, when config.shouldDeduplicate is true(the default value for shouldDeduplicate is true), we use getItemKey to specify the deduplication key. getItemKey receives item as input, return a string of deduplication key.

If you don't provide the method, Actionsflow fallback to looking for id, key, if neither are supplied, Actionsflow will hash the item, and generate a unique key.


module.exports = class Example {
webhooks = [
path: "/",
method: "post",
handler: (request) => {
let items = [request.body];
return items;

webhooks define a group of webhook handlers. When a webhook event of the trigger comes, the handler will be called with the webhook request.

Note: If you don't familiar with Actionsflow webhook URL format, please see here

The following interface is a webhook interface:

interface IWebhook {
path?: string;
method?: string | string[];
getItemKey?: (item: AnyObject) => string;
handler: IWebhookHandler;


path is using to set the webhook path. if path provided, then only the webhook URL matched the path will call the handler.

If you only handle one webhook path, then you can provide handler method only. All webhook event to the trigger will call the handler.

Generally, most of triggers only handle one path. But if your trigger need to handle more than one path, you should set different paths to handle the webhook event.<owner>/<repo>/<workflow-file-name>/<trigger-name> is the fixed prefix for webhook URL, so you just need to define the path after the prefix. For example, if you set path as /webhook, then, only<owner>/<repo>/<workflow-file-name>/<trigger-name>/webhook will call your webhook handler.

You can also use params path to define your path, like /user/:user_id, Actionsflow use path-to-regexp to handle route.


method is using to set the webhook method, it can be string or string[], if provided, only specific methods will call the handler. the default value is undefined, means all methods request will call the handler.


Like the trigger instance method getItemKey, you can specify the getItemKey for the webhook. If not provided, Actionsflow will fallback to use the instance's getItemKey.


Required, a hook function that be called when the webhook event comes. It receives a request as input, which has the following properties:

interface IWebhookRequest {
headers: Record<string, string>;
originPath: string;
path: string;
query: ParsedUrlQuery;
querystring: string;
search: string;
params: AnyObject;
body?: string | AnyObject | undefined;
searchParams: URLSearchParams;

When the webhook payload body is a JSON string, body will be converted javascript object automatically.

Like run, The handler also should return an array which looks like this:

id: "uniqueId",
title: "title",

More Examples

Learn more about trigger examples, see: