
You can use webhook trigger to receive data from any service.

View trigger on Github


method: post

Setup Webhook URL

The webhook URL is in the following format, you should set this URL to the 3rd party service webhook settings.


<workflow-file-name> is your workflow file name without ext. For example, if you define a webhook trigger at ./workflows/webhook.yml, then, <workflow-file-name> is webhook

You need to generate personal access tokens with repo scope at Github settings, then replace <your-github-personal-token>

Here is an example for sending a webhook event:

curl --request POST 'https://webhook.actionsflow.workers.dev/actionsflow/actionsflow/webhook/webhook?__token=<your-github-personal-token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"key": "value"

Learn more about webhook URL, see here

IFTTT Webhook Request example

You can send webhook event from IFTTT webhook.

For example, you can input the following value at IFTTT webhook settings:

  • URL: https://webhook.actionsflow.workers.dev/actionsflow/actionsflow/webhook/webhook?__token=<your-github-personal-token>
  • Method: POST
  • Content Type: application/json
  • Body
"key": "value"

Tips: if your field content need to be escaped, you should surround it with <<<>>>


  • method, optional, string or string[], you can define one or more as the specific method that the webhook should listen, the default is undefined, means that the webhook would listen all methods. The options value can be get, post, put, patch, delete, head, options
  • path, optional, string, you can define a path as the specific path that the webhook should listen, the default is undefined, means that the webhook would listen all path with prefix https://webhook.actionsflow.workers.dev/actionsflow/actionsflow/webhook/webhook . The options value can be /, /user/:userId
  • deduplicationKey, optional. The poll trigger deduplicates the array we see each poll against the id key. If the id key does not exist, you should specify an alternative unique key to deduplicate, you can use path format, like: id, data.id, item.data.key, If neither are supplied, we fallback to looking for key, if neither are supplied, we will hash the item, and generate a unique key

You can use General Config for Actionsflow Trigger for more customization.

Note, the default value of config.shouldDeduplicate is false for this trigger.


An outputs example:

"headers": {
"content-type": "application/json"
"method": "post",
"query": {
"test": "1"
"querystring": "test=1",
"search": "?test=1",
"body": {
"id": "testid",
"title": "title"
"params": {}

You can use the outputs like this:

name: Print
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Print Outputs
method: ${{ on.webhook.outputs.method }}
body: ${{ toJson(on.webhook.outputs.body) }}
headers: ${{ toJson(on.webhook.outputs.headers) }}
run: |
echo method: $method
echo headers $headers
echo body: $body

How It Works

We implement Webhook feature by using Github's repository_dispatch, So we made the webhook2github project

This API will forward the following original webhook request:


To https://api.github.com/repos/<owner>/<repo>/dispatches, with body:

"event_type": "webhook",
"client_payload": {
"path": "<your-path>",
"method": "<request.method>",
"headers": "<request.headers>",
"body": "<request body>"

So Github actions will be triggered with repository_dispatch event.